Windows常见消息列表(windows familiar message)
WM_ACTIVATE Indicates a change in the activation state
WM_ACTIVATEAPP Notifies applications when a new task is activated
WM_CANCELMODE Notifies a window to cancel internal modes
WM_CHANGECBCHAIN Notifies clipboard viewer of removal from chain
WM_CHAR Passes keyboard events to focus window
WM_CHARTOITEM Provides list-box keystrokes to owner window
WM_CHILDACTIVATE Notifies a child window of activation
WM_CLEAR Clears an edit control or combo box
WM_CLOSE Signals a window or application to terminate
WM_COMMAND Specifies a command message
WM_COMMNOTIFY Notifies a window about the status of its queues
WM_COMPACTING Indicates a low memory condition
WM_COMPAREITEM Determines position of combo-box or list-box item
WM_COPY Copies a selection to the clipboard
WM_CREATE Indicates that a window is being created
WM_CTLCOLOR Indicates that a control is about to be drawn
WM_CUT Deletes a selection and copies it to the clipboard
WM_DEADCHAR Indicates when a dead key is pressed
WM_DELETEITEM Indicates owner-drawn item or control is altered
WM_DESTROY Indicates window is about to be destroyed
WM_DEVMODECHANGE Indicates when device-mode settings are changed
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD Indicates when clipboard contents are changed
WM_DRAWITEM Indicates when owner-drawn control or menu changes
WM_DROPFILES Indicates when a file is dropped
WM_ENABLE Indicates when enable state of window is changing
WM_ENDSESSION Indicates whether the Windows session is ending
WM_ENTERIDLE Indicates a modal dialog box or menu is idle
WM_ERASEBKGND Indicates when background of window needs erasing
WM_FONTCHANGE Indicates a change in the font-resource pool
WM_GETDLGCODE Allows processing of control input
WM_GETFONT Retrieves the font that a control is using
WM_GETMINMAXINFO Retrieves minimum and maximum sizing information
WM_GETTEXT Copies the text that corresponds to a window
WM_GETTEXTLENGTH Determines length of text associated with a window
WM_HSCROLL Indicates a click in a horizontal scroll bar
WM_ICONERASEBKGND Notifies minimized window to fill icon background
WM_INITDIALOG Initializes a dialog box
WM_INITMENU Indicates when a menu is about to become active
WM_INITMENUPOPUP Indicates when a pop-up menu is being created
WM_KEYDOWN Indicates when a nonsystem key is pressed
WM_KEYUP Indicates when a nonsystem key is released
WM_KILLFOCUS Indicates window is about to lose input focus
WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK Indicates double-click of left mouse button
WM_LBUTTONDOWN Indicates when left mouse button is pressed
WM_LBUTTONUP Indicates when left mouse button is released
WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK Indicates double-click of middle mouse button
WM_MBUTTONDOWN Indicates when middle mouse button is pressed
WM_MBUTTONUP Indicates when middle mouse button is released
WM_MDIACTIVATE Activates a new MDI child window
WM_MDICASCADE Arranges MDI child windows in a cascade format
WM_MDICREATE Prompts an MDI client to create a child window
WM_MDIDESTROY Closes an MDI child window
WM_MDIGETACTIVE Retrieves data about the active MDI child window
WM_MDIICONARRANGE Arranges minimized MDI child windows
WM_MDIMAXIMIZE Maximizes an MDI child window
WM_MDINEXT Activates the next MDI child window
WM_MDIRESTORE Prompts an MDI client to restore a child window
WM_MDISETMENU Replaces the menu of a MDI frame window
WM_MDITILE Arranges MDI child windows in a tiled format
WM_MEASUREITEM Requests dimensions of owner-drawn control
WM_MENUCHAR Indicates when unknown menu mnemonic is pressed
WM_MENUSELECT Indicates when a menu item is selected
WM_MOUSEACTIVATE Indicates a mouse click in an inactive window
WM_MOUSEMOVE Indicates mouse-cursor movement
WM_MOVE Indicates the position of a window has changed
WM_NCACTIVATE Changes the active state of a nonclient area
WM_NCCALCSIZE Calculates the size of a window's client area
WM_NCCREATE Indicates a nonclient area is being created
WM_NCDESTROY Indicates when nonclient area is being destroyed
WM_NCHITTEST Indicates mouse-cursor movement
WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK Indicates non-client left button double-click
WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN Indicates left button pressed in nonclient area
WM_NCLBUTTONUP Indicates left button released in nonclient area
WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK Indicates middle button nonclient double-click
WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN Indicates middle button pressed in nonclient area
WM_NCMBUTTONUP Indicates middle button released in nonclient area
WM_NCMOUSEMOVE Indicates mouse-cursor movement in nonclient area
WM_NCPAINT Indicates a window's frame needs painting
WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK Indicates right button nonclient double-click
WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN Indicates right button pressed in nonclient area
WM_NCRBUTTONUP Indicates right button released in nonclient area
WM_NEXTDLGCTL Sets the focus to a different dialog box control
WM_PAINT Indicates a window frame needs painting
WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD Paints the specified portion of the window
WM_PALETTECHANGED Indicates focus-window has realized its palette
WM_PALETTEISCHANGING Informs windows about change to palette
WM_PARENTNOTIFY Notifies parent of child-window activity
WM_PASTE Inserts clipboard data into an edit control
WM_POWER Indicates the system is entering suspended mode
WM_QUERYDRAGICON Requests a cursor handle for a minimized window
WM_QUERYENDSESSION Requests that the Windows session be ended
WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE Allows a window to realize its logical palette
WM_QUERYOPEN Requests that a minimized window be restored
WM_QUEUESYNC Delimits CBT messages
WM_QUIT Requests that an application be terminated
WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK Indicates a double-click of right mouse button
WM_RBUTTONDOWN Indicates when the right mouse button is pressed
WM_RBUTTONUP Indicates when the right mouse button is released
WM_RENDERALLFORMATS Notifies owner to render all clipboard formats
WM_RENDERFORMAT Notifies owner to render particular clipboard data
WM_SETCURSOR Displays the appropriate mouse cursor shape
WM_SETFOCUS Indicates when a window has gained input focus
WM_SETFONT Sets the font for a control
WM_SETREDRAW Allows or prevents redrawing in a window
WM_SETTEXT Sets the text of a window
WM_SHOWWINDOW Indicates a window is about to be hidden or shown
WM_SIZE Indicates a change in window size
WM_SIZECLIPBOARD Indicates a change in clipboard size
WM_SPOOLERSTATUS Indicates when a print job is added or removed
WM_SYSCHAR Indicates when a System-menu key is pressed
WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE Indicates when a system color setting is changed
WM_SYSCOMMAND Indicates when a System-command is requested
WM_SYSDEADCHAR Indicates when a system dead key is pressed
WM_SYSKEYDOWN Indicates that ALT plus another key was pressed
WM_SYSKEYUP Indicates that ALT plus another key was released
WM_SYSTEMERROR Indicates that a system error has occurred
WM_TIMECHANGE Indicates that the system time has been set
WM_TIMER Indicates timeout interval for a timer has elapsed
WM_UNDO Undoes the last operation in an edit control
WM_USER Indicates a range of message values
WM_VKEYTOITEM Provides list-box keystrokes to owner window
WM_VSCROLL Indicates a click in a vertical scroll bar
WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD Prompts the owner to scroll clipboard contents
WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED Notifies a window of a size or position change
WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING Notifies a window of a new size or position
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